
AMP stands in solidarity with Corrie family


Negative verdict in Corrie’s civil case shows Israel’s disregard for Palestinians and those who support them

(CHICAGO 08/28/2012) – The American Muslims for Palestine today stands in solidarity with the Rachel Corrie family, who so valiantly fought the apartheid state of Israel in attempts to gain justice for their daughter, who was killed by the Israeli military in 2003 while peacefully protecting a house in Gaza slated for demolition.  Rachel’s parents, Cindy and Craig Corrie, upheld the principles of honor, dignity and courage in their years-long battle in the Israeli civil court system. 

 But today, the Haifa District Court ruled in favor of the Israeli Occupation Forces in a verdict so closely in line with the state’s position, state attorneys could have written it themselves, said the Corrie’s lawyer Hussein Abu Hussein. Though disappointing, the verdict is not surprising for a state that persistently oppresses the Palestinian people and that protects the illegal and often murderous actions of its military.

"This unfortunate verdict is a clear indication that the state of Israel does not uphold universal human rights and has no regard for the lives of Palestinians and those who stand in solidarity with them,” said AMP Chairman Dr. Hatem Bazian. “Last night, on the eve of this verdict, the IOF shelled Gaza, injuring two women. Also yesterday, a new United Nations report said that Gaza will soon be unlivable if Israel’s siege continues and drastic actions aren’t taken to turn around the economic, environmental and humanitarian damage caused by Israel’s siege, Operation Cast Lead and numerous other strikes and military operations. Rachel died while trying to protect a home in Gaza from being demolished. We will always remember her and honor her for her courage and selfless sacrifice for human rights and the Palestinian people.”

AMP calls on our supporters and all people of conscience to honor Rachel by participating in one of the solidarity events  planned across the country this week. You can also send notes of support to Cindy and Craig Corrie.