AMP Response to Focus on Education A2 Facebook Post
It has come to our attention that a Facebook page named "Focus on Education A2" recently made posts alleging AMP's involvement in organizing a harassment campaign on behalf of one school board trustee's wife (Ms. Queriijero) against another executive board member of the school board (Ms. Sorkin). These allegations are patently false, and neither AMP's Detroit chapter nor its national office is involved in any such activity.
The post alleges that there is an AMP Detroit discussion thread that is being used to encourage members to harass an individual on behalf of someone else. We can confirm that there is no such discussion thread and that our chapter members have no idea who the two individuals named in the post are.
Representatives of AMP's Detroit Chapter reached out to the Fb page to ask that the post be taken down since it falsely uses AMP's name. The administrator of the page did not respond and proceeded to block our representative in Detroit, preventing them from further engagement.
AMP's Detroit chapter is not involved in any school board or campaign and demands that these posts be removed.