
AMP offers condolences to Egyptian Copts upon the death of Pope Shenouda


(CHICAGO 03/21/2012) – The American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), a national grassroots organization dedicated to educating the public about Palestine, offers its sincerest condolences to the members of Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church for the loss of their beloved Pope Shenouda III on Saturday.

Pope Shenouda was much beloved by those who work toward creating a world based on justice, liberty and dignity. The pope was also a fierce supporter of Palestinian rights, forbidding his parishoners from traveling to Jerusalem and Bethlehem until they were free from occupation. AMP admires Pope Shenouda’s strong support of the Palestinian cause and appreciates that this came at a huge cost to the Pope, including his three-year exile imposed by former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.

AMP wishes the best for the Egyptian Coptic community as it moves forward during this difficult time.