AMP calls on Biden to rescind Trump's 'deal of the century' plan
January 28, 2021 (Washington, DC) -- Today, on the one year anniversary of the publication of the Trump administration’s so-called Israeli-Palestinian “deal of the century”, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) calls on the Biden administration to formally rescind this proposal and reorient US policy toward the Palestinian people to supporting human rights, international law, and self-determination.
Osama Abuirshaid, Executive Director of AMP, stated: “Trump’s so-called ‘deal of the century’ was a wish list for Israel to ensure its perpetual oppression of the Palestinian people and complete revocation of Palestinian rights. The Biden administration should make clear to all parties that this terrible plan is formally off the table and will not constitute a future basis for US positions on permanent status issues.”
Trump’s plan would have enabled Israel to unilaterally annex 30 percent of the Palestinian West Bank, denied Palestinians a truly sovereign state, located the Palestinian capital outside of the municipal boundaries of Jerusalem, revoked Palestinian refugees’ right of return, and forcibly denationalized Palestinian citizens of Israel.
Abuirshaid continued: “While AMP welcomes the Biden administration’s announcement that it will resume humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people and restore diplomatic ties with them, it is not enough. US policy has been decidedly against the interests of the Palestinian people for decades. A fundamental shift to recognize and support the human rights of the Palestinian people is the only path forward for the United States to contribute to a just and lasting peace.”
In November, AMP sent a detailed policy memo to the Biden transition team, which included both short-term recommendations for undoing the damage inflicted by the Trump administration and long-term recommendations for reorienting US policy.
For more information, or to schedule an interview with an AMP spokesperson, please contact Media Coordinator Malak Shalabi at +1(888) AMP-1948.