Long before 9/11, a group of pro-Israel advocates began sounding the alarm about the rise of ‘Islamists’ in the United States. Perhaps, had the attacks on the World Trade Centers...
Historic Palestine, roughly the size of Massachusetts, covers an area of about 10,425 square miles,1 from the Jordan River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west. From...
The American Muslims for Palestine’s mission is to educate the public about the just cause of Palestine and the rights of self-determination, liberty and justice. Through providing factual information, training...
In the late 1800s a small, fanatic movement called “political Zionism” began in Europe. Its goal was to create a Jewish state somewhere in the world. Its leaders settled on...
Gaza, the idyllic strip of land by the Mediterranean Sea, was once a strategic and commercial center linking Egypt and Mesopotamia in the days when caravans of traders traversed the...
Defying occupation, poverty and rampant fear of Israeli violence, Palestinians have a 99 percent literacy rate, the highest in the Arab world. But getting educated comes at a cost for...
What Is Apartheid? Apartheid \ ə-pärt’hīt’, -hāt’\ n. A policy of segregation and social and economic discrimination by one group over another group. Separation. [Afrikaans : Dutch apart, separate (from...
Nine years after 9/11, hysteria about Muslims in American life has gripped the country. With it has gone an outburst of arson attacks on mosques, campaigns to stop their construction...