Honor Gaza by joining rally in New York City marking two years since Operation Cast Lead
(CHICAGO 12/21/2010) - The American Muslims for Palestine – in coordination with other peace and social justice activists – will be marking the second year since Israel launched its deadly assault against the Palestinians of Gaza with a march and rally at 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 27, at 32nd and 6th Avenues, in New York City.
(CHICAGO 12/21/2010) - The American Muslims for Palestine – in coordination with other peace and social justice activists – will be marking the second year since Israel launched its deadly assault against the Palestinians of Gaza with a march and rally at 5 p.m. Monday, Dec. 27, at 32nd and 6th Avenues, in New York City.
On Dec. 27, 2008, dozens of Israeli war planes unleashed a rampage of bombing and shelling, killing hundreds of people within a few hours. By the time the three-week assault ended on Jan. 18, 2009, more than 1,400 Palestinians were dead and more than 5,300 were seriously wounded. Critical infrastructure such as water treatment and electrical plants were destroyed, as were schools, mosques, municipal buildings and thousands of homes. More than 50,000 people were displaced.
And the situation in Gaza has only grown worse. Israel’s total blockage on Gaza has prevented most rehabilitation work to take place. Some 25,000 people still are homeless; 80 percent of Gaza’s 1.5 million people rely upon the United Nations for food aid; more than 40,000 children were turned away from UNRWA schools this fall for lack of space. Despite Israel’s promise to ‘ease’ the blockade, recent United Nations reports show that while there was some very slight improvement in some areas they did not reach 2007 levels, which already were in decline because of the siege. But in most economic and humanitarian sectors, the siege has grown tighter and the Palestinians of Gaza have grown poorer and hungrier.
Meanwhile the United States continues to block international legal bodies from pursuing the findings laid out in the Goldstone Report of war crimes committed during the attacks. Nor has Israel been held accountable for its ‘execution-style’ murder of nine unarmed, humanitarian activists aboard the Mavi Marmara in May 2010.
Since Operation Cast Lead, global mobilization against the occupation and Israel’s illegal and inhumane practices continues to grow. There is an increasing and unprecedented focus and isolation of the Israeli Apartheid policies.
But this has brought with it retaliation against Palestinians and their supporters, from harassment by campus officials to raids and grand jury subpoenas by the FBI.
This repression is a sign that the Zionists and their sponsors in Washington are worried -- not only that further crimes will be met with equally fierce resistance, but also because they know Palestinians are more determined than ever to fight on until total liberation, until every refugee can return, until the land of Palestine is free from the river to the sea!
For more information:
AMP-NY: 347.671.9135
AMP-NJ: 917.443.4281
Sponsored by: Al-Awda NY: the Palestine Right to Return Coalition, Hunter Students for Justice in Palestine, Columbia SJP, American Muslims for Palestine-NJ, American Muslims for Palestine-NY, US Palestinian Community Network-NY, Palestinian Club-Brooklyn College, Siege Busters Working Group, International Action Center, United National Antiwar Committee-NY, New York City Labor Against the War, International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, Labor for Palestine, International Socialist Organization, Socialist Action