AMP condemns Israeli actions in Jerusalem
Al Aqsa mosque is ‘red line in the sand’ for world’s 1.5 billion Muslims
(PALOS HILLS, IL 03/16/2010) – AMP condemns in the strongest possible terms recent actions in Jerusalem by Israeli officials, soldiers and illegal settlers, which have heightened tensions there to a dangerous level.
Since Feb. 28:
- More than 100 Palestinians have been injured by Israeli police and soldiers.
- Israeli settlers threatened to storm the mosque compound to set up Jewish worship.
- Officials rededicated a temple, which sits within 100 yards of Al Aqsa and which some have said is the fulfillment of a prophesy that includes laying the cornerstone for the Third Temple on the site of Al Aqsa.
- Israel has ordered the demolition of a mosque currently under construction near Nablus.
- Israeli officials announced plans to build 1,600 new housing units in occupied Jerusalem.
Al Aqsa mosque is ‘red line in the sand’ for world’s 1.5 billion Muslims
(PALOS HILLS, IL 03/16/2010) – AMP condemns in the strongest possible terms recent actions in Jerusalem by Israeli officials, soldiers and illegal settlers, which have heightened tensions there to a dangerous level.
Since Feb. 28:
- More than 100 Palestinians have been injured by Israeli police and soldiers.
- Israeli settlers threatened to storm the mosque compound to set up Jewish worship.
- Officials rededicated a temple, which sits within 100 yards of Al Aqsa and which some have said is the fulfillment of a prophesy that includes laying the cornerstone for the Third Temple on the site of Al Aqsa.
- Israel has ordered the demolition of a mosque currently under construction near Nablus.
- Israeli officials announced plans to build 1,600 new housing units in occupied Jerusalem.
All of these actions prove Israel does not want peace and furthermore is intent on inflaming tension in the area at a time when the U.S. administration is trying to bring the parties together to resume the peace process. Israel is not now, nor ever has been, interested in achieving peace with the Palestinians. Rather, the Zionist apartheid state is intent on waging war in efforts to continue its policy of the ethnic cleansing the transfer of the Palestinian population out of Palestine.
“Jerusalem, which houses the third holiest shrine for Muslims, is a red line in the sand for more than 1.5 billion Muslims around the globe,” said Dr. Hatem Bazian, AMP chairman. “Israeli actions will only endanger global peace and stability. The Israeli announcement about the construction of 1,600 new housing units in Jerusalem, which came during Vice President Biden’s visit to Tel Aviv, was an insult and will surely undermine America’s role and credibility in the region while jeopardizing President Barack Obama’s efforts to rebuild bridges of trust and cooperation with the Muslim world.”
Israel’s occupation of Palestine is illegal and in contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and UN Resolutions 242 and 446, among others. Any Jews-only construction in occupied Jerusalem is a flagrant violation of international law. AMP firmly believes that withholding more than $3 billion in U.S. foreign aid is the only way to force Israel into compliance with international humanitarian and civil law.
Be firm, but polite, call the U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and your elected members of Congress and demand that our government:
- Withhold U.S. aid to Israel.
- Instruct Israel, firmly and decisively, to halt plans to construct 1,600 new housing units in Jerusalem.
- Pressure Israel to ensure freedom of access to and freedom of worship in the Al Aqsa compound.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: 202-647-5291.
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